New Evil: to protest the
passage of the Trumpcare bill, call Senator Cory Gardner, 303-391-5777 or
202-224-5941 DC and Senator Michael Bennet, 303-455-7600 Colorado, or
202-224-5852 DC. I called the office for both of them.
passage of the Trumpcare bill, call Senator Cory Gardner, 303-391-5777 or
202-224-5941 DC and Senator Michael Bennet, 303-455-7600 Colorado, or
202-224-5852 DC. I called the office for both of them.
I am the self-ordained
wannabe Presbyterian right reverend Louis Brown who would like to expatiate not
only on the evils of our current world leaders, but on the evils in our own
hearts. I point this out because “evil” is a heavy-duty theological term.
wannabe Presbyterian right reverend Louis Brown who would like to expatiate not
only on the evils of our current world leaders, but on the evils in our own
hearts. I point this out because “evil” is a heavy-duty theological term.
Many conservative leaders
constantly repeat that the U. S. government is evil. Well, since Donald Trump
is the government, Donald Trump is evil. This is “true” because of ipse dixit, he himself has said it. But
there are degrees of evil. Donald Trump is not the most evil world leader, he
is not even the most evil Republican. If
Congress removes DT from office, we get Mike Pence who is worse than DT. If
Congress removes MP from office, we get Paul Ryan who is worse than MP. For
people who want to counter their evil intentions, we should remember first that
we should not be afraid of these people since they are paper tigers.
constantly repeat that the U. S. government is evil. Well, since Donald Trump
is the government, Donald Trump is evil. This is “true” because of ipse dixit, he himself has said it. But
there are degrees of evil. Donald Trump is not the most evil world leader, he
is not even the most evil Republican. If
Congress removes DT from office, we get Mike Pence who is worse than DT. If
Congress removes MP from office, we get Paul Ryan who is worse than MP. For
people who want to counter their evil intentions, we should remember first that
we should not be afraid of these people since they are paper tigers.
In other words, God is
punishing us for our sins by imposing evil pharaohs on us. Look at France’s new
president Emmanuel Macron, an anti-union banker. He promises to become quite
evil in the near future. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the new president of Turkey, a
really bizarre medieval president. And of course the abusive Rodrigo Duterte of
the Phillipines. Evil, evil, evil.
punishing us for our sins by imposing evil pharaohs on us. Look at France’s new
president Emmanuel Macron, an anti-union banker. He promises to become quite
evil in the near future. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the new president of Turkey, a
really bizarre medieval president. And of course the abusive Rodrigo Duterte of
the Phillipines. Evil, evil, evil.
When we read the Book of
Job in the Old Testament, Job has extremely bad luck in his life and asks God
what sin he had committed to deserve his wrath and punishment. God does not
answer Job so Job suffers without knowing why.
Job in the Old Testament, Job has extremely bad luck in his life and asks God
what sin he had committed to deserve his wrath and punishment. God does not
answer Job so Job suffers without knowing why.
The other flamboyant evil
world leader is Vladimir Putin. What sin did the Russian people commit to
deserve President Putin? Another punishment from God?
world leader is Vladimir Putin. What sin did the Russian people commit to
deserve President Putin? Another punishment from God?
Then we are subjected to
endless condescending lectures by graduates of the London School of Economics
on the inevitability of “globalization,” Think also of Mark Zuckerberg. I
always wondered why the London School of Economics boasts about its prestige.
Because, as an evil institution, it glorifies ignorance, profound ignorance. In
other words, I would like to know, if your version of the economy is failing, why
are you boasting and strutting about like a peacock?
endless condescending lectures by graduates of the London School of Economics
on the inevitability of “globalization,” Think also of Mark Zuckerberg. I
always wondered why the London School of Economics boasts about its prestige.
Because, as an evil institution, it glorifies ignorance, profound ignorance. In
other words, I would like to know, if your version of the economy is failing, why
are you boasting and strutting about like a peacock?
I believe our collective
sin is not advocating more consistently and more vociferously for the rights
and interests of working people. Our world “Leaders” act as though the 20th
century never happened. Amen.
sin is not advocating more consistently and more vociferously for the rights
and interests of working people. Our world “Leaders” act as though the 20th
century never happened. Amen.
© 26 Jun 2017
the Author
the Author
I was born in 1944, I lived most of my life in New York City,
Queens County. I still commute there. I worked for many years as a Caseworker
for New York City Human Resources Administration, dealing with mentally
impaired clients, then as a social work Supervisor dealing with homeless PWA’s.
I have an apartment in Wheat Ridge, CO. I retired in 2002. I have a few
interesting stories to tell. My boyfriend Kevin lives in New York City. I
graduated Queens College, CUNY, in 1967.
Queens County. I still commute there. I worked for many years as a Caseworker
for New York City Human Resources Administration, dealing with mentally
impaired clients, then as a social work Supervisor dealing with homeless PWA’s.
I have an apartment in Wheat Ridge, CO. I retired in 2002. I have a few
interesting stories to tell. My boyfriend Kevin lives in New York City. I
graduated Queens College, CUNY, in 1967.