Coming Out Spiritually by Ray S

     My muse took the week off when she learned what I wanted her to address. She looked askance at me, and allowed as how someone lifted her Ouija Board years ago. I can’t complain too much though, she’s really tried hard for me.

     Spiritually, I’m not sure how to explain the word relative to coming out. We have all had some sort of “ah ha” moment when after a long and arduous trip we’ve leapt, crawled, ran, or stumbled out.

     But to put it simply for myself the moment really materialized into reality when I learned how wonderful it is to affirm my friendship and love for my GLBT companions with a sincere kiss and or caress, and the swelling in my chest when I saw the stars and rainbow stripes flag bravely flying next to the red white and blue of our other flag on the suburban porch of a neat neighborhood brick bungalow–how proud they must be and how curious and proud I was to see their statement and maybe come to know them.

© 23
February 2013

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