Depraved by Ricky

          The word depraved
comes to us via the 14th century AD (1325-75 to be less precise).
The Middle English (or was it Middle Earth???) word depraven (Anglo-French)
which in turn was descended from the Latin depravare.  But then who really cares about that.  Does that make me depraved because I don’t
really care from where the word came?
          I sort of enjoy the
obsolete usage of the word, as in; The Republicans keep depraving President
Obama’s efforts, citizenship, and religious faith.  Especially since their real reason for
attacking him (beyond being power hungry) 
is not his politics but his skin color. 
They are afraid of losing the support of Black Republicans who could
vote as a block for a black candidate. 
          The more common
usage of the word falls into three primary categories: 1. to
make morally bad or evil; 2.
to vitiate; and 3. to corrupt.  So here’s the problem with these
definitions.  What is morally bad or
evil?  In Christianity the moral code is
fairly standard among the various sects, but not entirely.  Other religions have other criteria.  In Christianity it is morally wrong to lie
and bare false witness against someone, but does that make homophobe closeted homosexual
preachers “depraved” or just lying hypocrites? If a husband or boyfriend lies
in answering the question, “Sweetheart, do you like this new lamp I bought?” to
avoid hurting the feelings of his loved one OR to avoid an argument over the
lamp, is he depraved for not telling his honest opinion?
          What is
evil?  Most religious people would agree
that the Devil is evil, but what acts does he do that are evil?  Tempting people to violate the moral
code?  If tempting people is evil, then
all people who encourage others who are on a diet to eat something “just this
once” or talk an alcoholic into having just one little drink would be
classified as evil.  I doubt most people
would agree to that.  Is Ted Haggart evil
because (before he was allegedly “cured of his homosexuality”) he “was” a hypocrite?   If the Devil is evil because
he says there is no God, what about parents who declare Santa Clause or the
Easter Bunny real to their children, or people who lie and cheat on their
income taxes? Are they all evil too? 
What about the case of political parties or individual political groups
who lie about and distort the truth about another candidate?  Are they also evil?  If Americans cannot yell “FIRE” in a theater
as a joke without being punished, why can people in political campaigns slander
an opponent with no legal consequence? 
Isn’t slandering a good man “evil”.
          I really don’t
even want to discuss the “to vitiate” and “to corrupt” categories, so I am done
ranting except for one more thought.  If
there is no God or Supreme Being or etc., how can there be a legitimate moral
code to base our laws upon.  Where can a
person go to find a place where his so called “depravities” are his “pursuits
of happiness”.
1325–75; Middle English depraven  (< Anglo-French )
Latin dēprāvāre  to pervert,corrupt, equivalent to dē- de-  + prāv us )crooked + -āre  infinitive suffix

de·prave [dih-preyv

verb (used with object), -praved, -prav·ing.
to make morally bad or evil; vitiate;corrupt.
Obsolete to defame.

vi·ti·ate [vish-ee-eyt] 

verb (used with object), -at·ed, -at·ing.
to impair the quality of; make faulty;spoil.
to impair or weaken the effectiveness of.
to debase; corrupt; pervert.
to make legally defective or invalid;invalidate: to vitiate claim.

5 Dec 2011 

About the Author 

I was born in June of 1948 in Los Angeles, living first in
Lawndale and then in Redondo Beach.  Just
prior to turning 8 years old in 1956, I began living with my grandparents on
their farm in Isanti County, Minnesota for two years during which time my
parents divorced.
When united with my mother and stepfather two years later
in 1958, I lived first at Emerald Bay and then at South Lake Tahoe, California,
graduating from South Tahoe High School in 1966.  After three tours of duty with the Air Force,
I moved to Denver, Colorado where I lived with my wife and four children until
her passing away from complications of breast cancer four days after the 9-11
terrorist attack.
I came out as a gay man in the summer of 2010.   I find writing these memories to be
My story blog is,