Drinking by Will Stanton

Regardless of the fact that there may be a few people here who have had personal difficulties with alcohol in their past, I have reason to be quite aware about the pervasive problems excessive drinking causes individuals, families, and society as a whole. In my working with peoples’ heads for thirty years, I frequently had to deal with people who have had problems with drinking, as well as drugs. I could write a thousand pages on the subject. I’m not. I’m not even going to write one page on it. I’m retired – – and tired. I don’t wish to revisit those problems.

As for myself, I never have had a problem with alcohol or drugs, Fortunately, my family and I were not genetically prone to substance abuse. Also, alcohol never was a big deal in our home while I was growing up, so I never made drinking a habit. In college, I never cared to go out drinking, get drunk, throw up, pass out, participate in riots, be arrested, or get DUIs. None of that seemed like fun to me.

Throughout my life, I always have been able to (quote) “get high” naturally, both emotionally and biochemically, pumping out endorphins and dopamine. All I have to do is engage in activities that I truly enjoy, either alone or especially with good friends. Not only do such activities raise my spirits, but also, especially when I am passionate about something, my own body pumps out chemicals that go to the pleasure center of the brain and make me feel good. And, this is without bad side-effects and without breaking the law and being arrested.

When I was in college, I was puzzled when other students seemed not to be able to know what to do with their spare time. I remember some Friday evenings in the dormitory when I’d hear a couple of students trying to figure out what to do with themselves for the evening. The dialogue usually was, “Hay, Joe, what d’yuh wanna do tonight?” “I dunno. What do you wanna do?” “I dunno. Wanna go up town drinkin’?” “Yeah.”

I’m well aware that people being drunk has been regarded as an easy way to make jokes. Many jokes I don’t find to be funny at all. Some I do, but that is because the humor is truly witty, no person is denigrated in any way, and there may be some redeeming features to the humor. Foster Brooks kidding Don Rickles on the Dean Martin Roast is a classic example. Check it out on YouTube:


So, what do I drink? Lots and lots of charcoal-filtered water, for one thing. Occasionally limited amounts of fruit juices, limited quantities of coffee or tea, and only occasionally an alcoholic drink. If I do have an alcoholic drink, it literally is only for the taste, not to get a buzz. I don’t need two or three or four of something to get the taste. As far as that goes, it’s the same thing for me with ice cream. One dip provides plenty of taste. I don’t need two or three or four dips to enjoy the taste. (I hope that I didn’t embarrass any “ice-cream-aholics” in the group.)

Alcohol is so unimportant in my life that I do not have a bar in my home, I don’t hang out in bars, and I usually don’t bother to have alcohol at social gatherings. I don’t believe that alcohol needs to be outlawed. Human nature already has proved that this won’t work. But, if it were, that would not bother me. I don’t need it; I can live without it.

© 02 April 2014

About the Author

I have had a life-long fascination with people and their life
stories.  I also realize that, although my own life has not brought me
particular fame or fortune, I too have had some noteworthy experiences and, at
times, unusual ones.  Since I joined this Story Time group, I have derived
pleasure and satisfaction participating in the group.  I do put some
thought and effort into my stories, and I hope that you find them interesting.