Forbidden Fruit by Ray S

For some of us bornagains or unbornagains we can attribute the source of today’s subject to what could be construed (depending on your point of view or philosophy) a Judeo/Christian’s earliest known erotica. The Adam and Eve fall from grace and all the ensuing details that have for eons been left up to the imagination of the true believers. Let’s not go there now. 

But that must have been some apple! At the risk of being labeled “chauvinist pig” by some of our fairer sex, I have to say “let’s hear it for the ladies.” They’ve always had the know how and upper hand when it comes to a really good siren song leading to the ecstasy of the flavor of that forbidden fruit.
Right then and there in that Garden of Eden (which has many lactations worldwide) the whole world of human relations got its snaky start. And like other humans’ addictions the apple tree is still bearing fruit as well as little bundles of joy. Even in the beginning it seems those prophets of old had to find a way to lay a trip on people kind. The idea must have been to promote “evil” so someone else could have sinners to forgive and redeem for practicing what comes naturally. Today the sages call it LIBIDO–it’s that damn snake again figuring ways to establish never ending power trips. There is always someone more powerful, more intelligent, more superior in all ways, lording it over the rest of us fruit eaters.
But, getting back to what has been condemned “forbidden” seems that right back there in little old Edenville the more forbidden, the more delicious the fruits became! And, of course, more desirous. Once that bite caressed the tongue, the acquired taste of the apple or fruit of your choice never wanes.
Seems like what this world needs is more delicious fruits and abounding trees of love for one another. Teach that snake to emphasize nice and naughty and cut way back on hate, guilt, pestilence and avarice.
One has to try so very hard to remember and practice that “LOVE MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND.”

© 21 April 2014

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