Somehow to write a story such as the one I’m about to write requires getting past the taboos that have haunted me my whole life and so I hope that I can finally be free. Being free means to me at this point in my life that I don’t give a ____ what anyone thinks about me. However that isn’t totally true. I still want to have acceptance, but I also don’t want to have to secretly pretend that I’m sugar and spice when I’m really an animal with passions, desires and have had some experiences that are perhaps not for prudes to hear about. I’m feeling braver already so here goes the story about getting caught. Maybe others have had secret desires that were unfulfilled. Well I have had many.
I didn’t have a language for it at the time, but by now have learned a little of the language used to describe one of my magnificent and wonderfully memorable experiences in a tea room.
I saw the young man as he entered the John a little before me. I really didn’t think about what might happen as, other that noticing him and seeing that he had a little budge hanging over his belt that was unusual for someone his age, my purpose was to use the facilities.
I was in fact using the facilities. As I stood there facing the wall and relieving myself I became aware that the young man was not doing the same. I proceeded to finish what I had come there for and glanced toward him when he surprised me by coming over by me and dropped to his knees.
As I said it was a magnificent and wonderfully memorable experience that compares with a few others that left an indelible impression on both my memory, but also on the fantasy world that many years later allowed me to be an out and open gay guy.
As the experience of being beyond time and space in an indescribable ecstasy subsided the only thing I could think of was to reciprocate. I don’t think I had any idea how to accomplish anything close to my experience. I hadn’t learned the skills or techniques but was certainly willing to give it a try.
There was no one around and just as I was about to begin the tearoom door opened. We both jumped and pretended to be using the facilities. I’m sure the security guard didn’t really see anything but probably couldn’t help but know that something had been going on.
We were caught, told to leave and never return. We left the mall and he went to his car. I started to walk home without the courage to introduce myself or make contact, something I still regret.
It was much later that I had the opportunity to share in similar experiences because I had neither the nerve nor the awareness of what I now remember as missed opportunities. I was so filled with hang-ups, misplaced feelings of guilt and was terribly naïve.
I’ve come a long way, baby! I am finally almost at peace with being the me that I am. I can accept, that I am sexual and sensitive and have urges and desire that are natural. I haven’t been to a tea room in years and am obviously openly gay. My children not only accept me as I am, but are pleased that I am in a loving and caring relationship. I think that the time I got caught was one of many things that had led me to the peace of mind and the pride I feel about being, as my daughter says, authentic.
Denver, 2013
About the Author
I go by the drag name, Queen Anne Tique. My real name is Michael King. I am a gay activist who finally came out of the closet at age 70. I live with my lover, Merlyn, in downtown Denver, Colorado. I was married twice, have 3 daughters, 5 grandchildren and a great grandson. Besides volunteering at the GLBT Center and doing the SAGE activities,” Telling your Story”,” Men’s Coffee” and the “Open Art Studio”. I am active in Prime Timers and Front Rangers. I now get to do many of the activities that I had hoped to do when I retired; traveling, writing, painting, doing sculpture, cooking and drag.