Maude and Emily, nee Clyde and Frank Le Clerke, they were married in Canada and Frank took Clyde’s surname in preference to his own Germanic Danglebunger.
They have a long history together, now in their late sixties they are the epitome of ideal monogamous married folks. Oh once in a while they were known to stray from the straight and narrow but just for an occasional fling—nothing more than a brash alcoholic one nighter when one or the other was away on business, and later in life the excitement of some mutually arranged three-ways. But, enough of the intimate details.
The two had met soon after the Stonewall period in a rather select hotel bar, not the usual black hole of Calcutta with a key to the back room. At the time they were two butterflies emerging from their constrictive cocoons. Clyde was a wanna be theatrical producer whose primary occupation was assistant to a well-known stage costume designer—until retirement recently.
Lt. Col. Frank Le Clerke, nee Danglebunger, Retd. had enjoyed a carefully closeted military career with the aid and cooperation of his lovely wife, now moved on to greener pastures. It had been a rewarding-in-so-many-ways period in his life, even with the 2.4 children and a choice dictated by a good WASP family life and successful entry to the military academy. You had to do what formulas and middleclass America required then, and other possibilities were unheard of, replete with influences leading to a reward of hell and damnation. Thus knowingly or unknowingly he sought the cozy confines of the nearest closet.
Since all of that water passed over the dam, the “girls” have led a relatively peaceful and comfortable gay life. They are now rewarded with five grandchildren, courtesy of the younger Danglebungers, and the acquisition of an early twentieth century brownstone overlooking the city’s downtown. Needless to say, Clyde supervised the interior makeover of the old house. Frank saw to the bills and supervised the various young sub-contractors.
As described in the preceding information, all was harmonious at 6969 Oak Avenue until several months ago when the subject of the approach of the annual Gay Pride events and especially the grand parade on the last day of Pride Week came up.
For as long as they care to remember they had entered into the parade plans with enthusiasm verging on manic. Each year their entry and participation had to outdo that of the last. Hadn’t they won first prize seven odd times and become known as the Queens of the Floating Prides? These two were committed, this time of the year preempted all other yearly celebrations including birthdays and holidays. Each had his just due by the Pride Parade, and their own entry took the lead.
But this year try as they may the two couldn’t seem to agree on a theme and subsequent design and costumes. Was there anything in the way of stories and guises that the city’s drag queens hadn’t used before? The answer was of course NO, but there had to be something different this year.
What about a miniaturized replica of the Stonewall on the float with the two of them dressed as a drag queen and a New York cop? Frank said yes, and he could even wear his old Army sidearm. Clyde responded that Frank was too old to expose himself, when Frank then corrected Clyde explaining sidearm was a common term for a pistol in a holster, not an anatomical part.
Clyde had his own grand vision of the two of them presenting themselves as models in a 1920’s fashion show descending a circular staircase built on the float. Turned out to be too high to clear the utility lines across the parade route. What about a Broadway Ziegfeld follies theme, lower stairway with them costumed in Clyde’s own designed follies gowns. Frank didn’t like the stairs in any case because he no longer was as steady as he used to be in those six-inch stiletto heels.
Alas, the time was growing shorter and neither could agree; keeping the peace was to be a lost cause.
It was three weeks to go and a Saturday morning. Frank had suited up for his early run in the park. Clyde had accompanied him, only to find his usual park bench close to the running path so as to enjoy viewing all the naked boys, well at least stripped to their waists. Springtime in the park turned out to be inspirational in so many ways.
Frank enjoyed the respectful, admiring and acknowledging similes of some of the naked boys as they passed him. He visualized how these men would appear dressed or undressed as Athenian athletes racing each other in an Olympic marathon. He was glad he had his loose fitting running shorts on.
Clyde was distracted from his studies by the nearby cackle and proud array of one of the park’s peacocks in full plumage display. “That’s it,” the light bulb shown brilliantly in his creative imagination. He hadn’t been a producer in show business, but he had produced some great costume designs. Hope springs eternal!
Sunday morning, the parade’s designated meeting place has been accomplished and the show is well on its way. Weather is cooperating, the girls’ pancake and mascara isn’t running. The bands are playing loud and noisy. Then to the tune of the familiar “Moaning Low” the contingent of “Floating Prides” arrived at the reviewing stand.
Oh, so many beautiful, bizarre, horny queens in full array and display. It was a wondrously true sight to behold.
But what of our girls? Where were the perennial prize takers?
Seems that Saturday afternoon after the park, Maude and Emily, nee Clyde and Frank, had a nice al fresco lunch and bottle of bubbly to discuss some brand new float designs gained as a result of their morning’s exertions.
Then as so many old queens tend to do, they went antique store browsing. Nothing in particular in mind when both were struck by a really cheesy style gold guilt pharaoh-like throne, replete in leopard print upholstery. Ta-da.
OMG—look at that! Here comes a team of four sort-of-white horses with applied zebra stripes drawing a float complete with a temple of Karnack backdrop; raised dais for that chair now elevated to a throne for none other than Cleopatra dressed in shimmering gauze revealing her tasteful black lace lingerie and fish net hose. All of this crowning her black Egyptian wig with a full peacock crown. I swear it could have been Claudette Colbert in the DeMille Cleopatra, or maybe even Liz.
And at her side in full man-tan stood as naked as he was allowed due to children attending the parade stood Frank, nee Emily—this time doing his damndest to recreate the fit Frank Danglebunger of past times. Marc Anthony would have looked half as good if he had lived long enough to qualify for various military benefits and Social Security, or whatever.
The horse-zebras drew our two Pridly Queen’s float past the dignitaries on the reviewing stand (one of the animals couldn’t hold it any longer—must have been all that music and cheering) and left a respectable deposit for the occupants of the reviewing stand, as well as the rest of the parade. Oh shit! But they kept the peace in the Le Clerke homestead for another year.
Denver, June 2013