Mayan Pottery by Will Stanton

Dear Son,

I hope this email gets to you right away.  We don’t know much about the jungles of South America and what kind of communication set-up you might have at this moment.

Your father and I are so proud of you and your recent success.  We’ve read all about it in the newspapers, and it even has been on the TV news this week.  

I have to admit that, when you graduated from high school and told us that you wanted to study anthropology and specialize in Mayan culture, we had our doubts about your earning a living.  I guess your years of study have paid off, now that you have discovered a Mayan temple that has alluded explorers for so long.  They were showing on TV some of the Mayan pottery that you found.

I can’t say that we know much about Mayan pottery; but when we heard the news story, I searched on Google and found some pictures of it.  It’s pretty, but I am not sure what all those designs mean.  The newscast said that you have found a lot of it in very good condition and are having it transported back to the museum for study.

We truly admire how you have grown up and become so determined and hard-working.  I have to say that, ever since you were a little boy, your father and I worried about you.  You didn’t seem to be like other boys.  You didn’t play sports with the other boys, and you avoided the rough-housing and wrestling we saw with the neighborhood boys.  And, you never seemed interested in going to school dances or dating.  So, we are impressed that you have been able to put up with all the physical hardship hiking through those deep jungles and how you have kept up your spirits in your long search.

I guess our taking you to church every Sunday, having you enroll in Sunday school, and our reading the Bible together every evening did what we hoped and prayed for, making you a strong, God-fearing man.  Your father and I were so thrilled that you said that you owe it all to Jesus, that you have put your complete trust in Him, that He is with you at all times, day and night.  We have told all our friends, and your father stood up in church and told all the congregation about it.  We are so proud of you.  We eagerly are looking forward to your return next month.  I would like to have a party and invite all of your friends.  I’m sure they all would love to talk with you.

Your adoring parents.

Dear Mom and Dad,

Yes, I did receive your email.  Everything has gone well, and I am planning to return next month.  I’ll be glad to see you again, but you don’t need to go to all the trouble of organizing any parties.  By the way, his name is pronounced “Hay-soos,” and he has been my guide all these months.  Yes, I owe him a lot.  He has been with me constantly, day and night, and we are deeply in love.  When we return to the States, we plan to get married; and you, of course, are invited to the wedding.

Best wishes,
Your loving son, Tim.

© 15 December 2012

About the Author

I have had a life-long fascination with people and their life stories. I also realize that, although my own life has not brought me particular fame or fortune, I too have had some noteworthy experiences and, at times, unusual ones. Since I joined this Story Time group, I have derived pleasure and satisfaction participating in the group. I do put some thought and effort into my stories, and I hope that you find them interesting.