Life in the Big City by the Bay by Pat Gourley

having now been a San Francisco resident for several months there have been a
few observations I have made that make me realize I am no longer in Denver. This
is a town I have visited many times over the last nearly 35 years but being
here for a prolonged period brings into sharper focus some of its
uniqueness.  Though I had gotten to know
the City pretty well over several decades of visiting I was still here as a
tourist really.

am going to list just some of the striking images and elements I have come in
contact with in my new home. These are not things I think are necessarily
better than in Denver but definitely different. Stuff that seems to have at
least temporarily left an impression:

after arriving I had to go downtown to the Apple store for some gadget or the
other and on entering the store I was greeted and assisted by a sweet young
Bear in a kilt and very neatly pressed blue hanky in his left pocket!

did participate in the LGBT Pride parade here in late June. It was in most
respects similar to the event in Denver especially the commercialization and
corporate sponsorship that has taken over these Stonewall Riot commemorations.
What was different though was that I was able to march the entire length of the
parade with a modest but very vocal contingent of 25-30 folks in support of
Bradley Manning. Manning of course is the young gay hero currently imprisoned
by the military for supposedly leaking classified documents detailing among
other things potential war crimes committed in Iraq to Julian Assange and

Farmer’s Markets!! The one I go to most often, though they can be found
everyday somewhere in the City, is at Civic Center now three days a week. By real
I mean there is stand after stand of fresh fruits and vegetables and most
vendors focus on one or just a few items: nuts, mushrooms, or eggs with other vendors
selling only organic greens of all sorts, many new to me, and then the melon
and stone fruit dealers and their many free samples. Most markets have very
limited or no non-edible items for sale and no prepared foods. The idea is to
take it home to eat and cook if needed.

related are the fading green grocers. There are still quite a few corner
markets (no 7-Elevens to be seen) most of which do have fresh produce but there
are still a few that really are green grocers. My favorite being across from the
Safeway on Church Street.

a less esthetic note the recent announcements that the escalators at the BART
stations at Civic Center and 16th & Mission had been closed
having broken down because of excessive fecal contamination in the works! Still
not sure why anyone would take a shit on an escalator? I mean what does one do
if your pants get caught in the works?

transportation that really functions quite well most of the time goes almost
everywhere and costs less than RTD in Denver. MUNI fare is $2.00 and in a year
and half once I hit 65 it will only cost 75 cents!

The City has lots and a long and checkered history with the varmints.  I brought my two cats out with me and they
are particularly fond of nighttime garden forays and I have no doubt this is
part rat patrol! Though I think they would be clueless if they ran into one up
close. I have just finished a great non-fiction read called The Barbary
by Marilyn Chase. The fascinating tale of the bubonic plague in San
Francisco in the early 1900’s and the amazing efforts of the city’s politicians
and merchants to deny it and when acknowledging it at all to blame it on the
Chinese. Racism that was shocking in its openly, blatant and crass extent.

8)   Mark Twains
frequently quoted observation: The
coldest winter I ever saw was the summer I spent in San Francisco”.
wasn’t kidding. Perhaps it’s my Irish roots but I have really enjoyed the
frequently cool, misty, foggy mornings walking to my gym. Most often the fog
dissipates by early afternoon to be replaced by a brisk ocean breezes being
sucked inland by the torrid temperatures just a few miles to the east.

9)   I have joined a gym I
enjoy very much but now find my work out compatriots to be mostly older
Japanese men rather than older white guys. I am a member of a club up near
Japantown and there are plenty of gay folks of all ages and stripes too. I
avoided the gym facilities on Market and SOMA that cater to the sculpted queer

 The sight of naked
people, most often male but not always, walking down the street on most sunny
days is still a bit jarring. The locals though hardly ever seem to notice. I am
not well versed in the law but understand that public nudity is not a crime in
San Francisco. The idea supposedly is a celebration of the naked human form but
I wonder if pure nudist philosophy doesn’t cross over to voyeurism for some
when there is a cock-ring involved?

 I have met very
few confirmed and practicing Buddhists, though I do live across the street
almost from the San Francisco Zen Center. I must say there are more statues of
Buddha in this town in private homes and in various businesses than you can
shake a stick at. Countless different depictions of the Enlightened One everywhere certainly can’t hurt I suppose. There is also
currently a large red inflatable lotus in the public square to the east of City

There are many bicycles on the streets and though I think
this is wonderful and would probably support a total private automobile ban in
the city the reality is you are more likely to get hit by a scofflaw bicyclist
than a motorist. I prefer to walk with both eyes wide open!

The fog! Oh my I find it, so far at least, to be amazing
in its many forms and permutations and love especially when it races and snakes
into town pushed along by a cool wind. Have I already mentioned my Irish

expect this partial list of San Francisco life impressions will continue to
grow and be updated and added to from time to time.

and kisses from the City by the Bay.

About the Author

I was born in La Porte Indiana in 1949, raised on a farm and schooled
by Holy Cross nuns. The bulk of my adult life, some 40 plus years, was spent in
Denver, Colorado as a nurse, gardener and gay/AIDS activist. I am currently on
an extended sabbatical in San Francisco, California.