Birthdays, by Pat Gourley

My birthday is January 12th and I was born in 1949
in LaPorte Indiana. So for my first 67.5 years of life on earth I was (per
popular astrology) a Capricorn. I did have my astronomical chart drawn and
calculated for me once many years ago.  I
always responded when asked my sign that I was a Capricorn. Then those with
whom I had just shared this vital information would respond with a nod and
often saying with authority ‘of course you are’.  Strange how very rarely these days I am ever
asked my sign when it was often the next thing out your mouth after stating
one’s name in the 1970’s, at least in the circles I traveled in.
Needless to say, I was surprised, though not particularly
dismayed, to learn that I was no longer a Capricorn but thanks to the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) I was now a Sagittarius. NASA went
an added a 13th zodiac sign to possibly be born under: Ophiuchus (I think
phonetically pronounced: ‘oh-fuck-us’)! I have linked below to a couple
articles that I used in researching this new and to many a very disturbing
development. That would be the crowd that has for years planned their day at
least in part after reading their horoscope in the daily paper or blaming all
sorts of bad stuff on Mercury in retrograde.
Maybe that’s why you hear less about people’s zodiac signs
since who reads the print media anymore. I am sure though that an app must
exist for those not willing to venture outside without first checking what’s up
for them that day per 3000 year old Babylonian mythology.
So what’s up with this additional zodiac sign? Well in a
rather snarky quote from Laurie Cantillo of the Planetary Exploration,
Heliophysics Department she explained why they added a 13th zodiac sign called
Ophiuchus: “We didn’t change any zodiac signs, we did the math. NASA reported
that because the Earth’s axis has changed, the constellations are no longer in
the same place they were thousands of years ago”. This shift in axis is due its
theorized to lost ice related to global warming causing the Earth to sort of
tip to one side. Oops! Try telling folks born under the new sign of Ophiuchus
that man-made climate change is a hoax.
Apparently, this update in the zodiac signs by NASA, perhaps the
first such adjustment since the Babylonians first go at it 3000 years ago, has
resulted in 86% of us now having a different sign. This of course radically
alters the daily advice we need to be following if we still use these bromides
to plan our life. Actually, if you are still relying on this advice I find that
more disturbing than whether or not you  are consulting the correct sign.
I am reminded of the apparently true stories of Nancy Reagan
frequently consulting her personal astrologer, the late Joan Quigley, for
advice during their years in the White House on how or when she and Ronnie
should proceed in conducting personal, national and world affairs. That
explains a few things doesn’t it! Reagan was born on February 6th,
which made him a Sagittarius in the old 12-sign model, but now we know he
should have been a Capricorn. We are left to ponder how different the world might
be today if Nancy’s astrologer had been feeding them the correct celestial
One small caveat on how this change has been for me
personally sheds a bit of light on my sexual escapades of the past 50 years.
You can find all sorts of attributes attributable to your sign on-line though
many have not caught up with the addition of Ophiuchus. There is even sexual
stimulation advice available. For Capricorns, you can supposedly drive them to
a frenzy of sexual madness by tickling them behind the kneecaps. Since I am no
longer a Capricorn but was really a Sagittarius oh these many years that
explains why nobody ever got me off tickling me behind my knees! As a Sagittarius,
I can apparently be brought to the brink of orgasm by stroking my inner thighs.
Though I think this is getting closer to pay dirt, a stimulating move farther
north involving a sustained reach-around will still be required for a happy
Capricorn: Jan 20-Feb 16
Aquarius: Feb 16-March 11
Pisces: March 11-April 18
Aries: April 18-May 13
Taurus: May 13-June 21
Gemini: June 21-July 20
Cancer: July 20-Aug 10
Leo: Aug 10-Sept 16
Virgo: Sept 16-Oct 30
Libra: Oct 30-Nov 23
Scorpio: Nov 23-Nov 29
Ophiuchus: Nov 29-Dec 17
Sagittarius: Dec 17-Jan 20
© 27 Nov
About the Author 

I was born in La Porte Indiana in 1949, raised
on a farm and schooled by Holy Cross nuns. The bulk of my adult life, some 40
plus years, was spent in Denver, Colorado as a nurse, gardener and gay/AIDS
activist. I have currently returned to
Denver after an extended sabbatical in San Francisco, California.

Purple by Pat Gourley

The first chapter of Judy Grahn’s wonderful tome Another Mother Tongue from 1984 deals extensively with the color purple and its historical meaning and connections to gay people. She posits both current and ancient connections to the color for us as a people.

Whether or not there are legitimate historical connections to the color purple and queer folk it certainly has appeared repeatedly throughout the ages in association with those of us often seen as “other”. For example we have continued to own and quite liberally use the word lavender, with lavender of course being a pale shade of purple.

I was involved with a project of the LGBT Center of Colorado called Lavender University in the late 1970’s. Interestingly one of the more successful gay male hook-up Internet sites is called the Lavender App first appearing recently in 2015. There are many other examples of the use of the word lavender in describing our organizations and us.

The color purple can be created mixing shades of red or magenta that have a more feminine association with blue and its male connotations. Though I prefer to view us as a distinct phenomenon rather than a hybrid of the straight male and female I can live with purple being attached to us as an expression of the ambiguity and mystery we present to the larger hetero society. It is to our advantage to keep them guessing as to who we really are. It is of course also a color historically associated with power and royalty. For years I had a wonderful flouncy silk purple shirt I would wear for special occasions that required that I appear as royalty.

Sadly it was the color purple in the form of skin lesions that began to strike fear in many gay men at the beginning of the AIDS epidemic. The rather sudden and mysterious appearance of purple skin lesions on gay men over 35 years ago quickly became a dreaded hallmark of the disease. I am referring of course to the lesions of Kaposi Sarcoma (K.S.) which we now know is caused by a herpes virus, the acronym for it being HHV-8, human herpes virus 8.

I would add that the lesions appear most purple on white skin. When K.S. lesions are an issue for darker pigmented folks the lesions can still appear purple but also often have a reddish or brown hue.

K.S can cause problems other than just skin lesions with the sarcoma able to involve internal organs as well. It was the facial lesions though that I personally feared the most. If one wanted to be on the down low with your HIV infection it was often hard to mask the facial lesions. I was never one to be shy about my HIV but I was certainly vain enough to fear a lesion on the tip of my nose. There are limits after all to ones love of the color purple.

HHV-8 is most commonly transmitted through saliva. There was apparently a fair amount of this virus among sexually active gay men in the 1970’s and as HIV began to spread, and severely compromise immune systems resulted, HHV-8 was able to take advantage and in many the result was Kaposi Sarcoma. Fortunately with the advent of effective AIDS drugs that restore pretty good immune function this virus, though certainly still around, causes dramatically less K.S.

HHV-8 can now I suppose be viewed as just one more little virus that uses us humans as transport media but kept in check if our immune systems are in good working order.

I’ll end with an interesting antidote I heard Sunday at the gym watching television coverage of Nancy Reagan’s death. She was a close friend of Rock Hudson. It was apparently a photo taken of the first couple that also caught the back of Rock’s head while he was visiting the Reagans in the White House that showed a suspicious lesion on his neck.

As incredulous as it might sound the photo catching this lesion supposedly alerted Hudson to the fact that perhaps he was also at risk for this new and devastating illness. Being quite familiar with how AIDS would present and progress I suspect there must have been some major denial in old Rock’s life to not notice any other symptoms before a K.S. lesion showed up on the back of his neck. Or perhaps it is just one more validation of the strength of the color purple, a hue capable of often grabbing one’s attention.

© March 2016 

About the Author

I was born in La Porte, Indiana in 1949, raised on a farm and schooled by Holy Cross nuns. The bulk of my adult life, some 40 plus years, was spent in Denver, Colorado as a nurse, gardener and gay/AIDS activist. I have currently returned to Denver after an extended sabbatical in San Francisco, California.