Where Do We Go from Here? by Will Stanton

Where do we go from here? It beats the hell out of me. I will, however, give you a few personal thoughts that come to mind. These reflect my own nature and values.

It’s hard for me to surmise the fate of our future. There are some good people and positive events in our country and the world that, theoretically, could lead us to a better future; however, there also is so much negativity and violence that I am not particularly encouraged. Yes, I realize that such concerns are not unique to our times. I am very aware that history is replete with hate, violence, and stupidity. I would think, or at least hope, however, that humankind would steadily improve over the centuries. A selective minority of people may have advanced, yet it appears to me that the vast majority of people still are prone to the same insanity that has plagued mankind forever. This fact mystifies and discourages me; for, by nature, I cherish honesty and empathy, along with my wish for all people to engage in helpful, constructive behavior.

Too often, those few people who are more knowledgeable, who are positive and empathetic, are vilified and overwhelmed by the masses of reptilian-minded hordes whose inclinations lead to greed, mindless policies, and harm to people and nations. Had President Gore been permitted to serve his two terms in office, I can only imagine how different our country and the world would be today. Instead, the Neocons in the Bush junta lied us into an unwarranted war that so severely disrupted the Middle East that we now are suffering the horrendous consequences of their hubris and stupidity. Such people continue to promote harmful domestic policies and political machinations that are equally counterproductive.

And now, we are plagued with a slate of Republican Presidential candidates who display many of the same religiosity traits that got us into so much trouble in the first place. Their continual character assassinations and bellicose rhetoric offend my deeply ingrained sense of honesty, morality, and empathy. Listening to all those (and here’s a phrase I frequently am prone to use because I have ample opportunity now) bloviating ignoramuses on the debate stage nauseates me. I find watching them disturbing and toxic, so much so that I feel that I do not possess the endurance and resilience to listen to them for extended lengths of time.

The only rational solution that I have heard recently has been from candidate Bernie Sanders. He repeatedly has explained, and quite rightly, too, that he sees the only way of improving our situation is for our young to become very knowledgeable, active, and to organize and vote in great numbers. To some extent, this was done for the first election of President Obama. Since then, however, young people seem to have drifted off into their own little worlds.

I know of no other recourse. If nothing is done to reverse this descent into an abyss of banality and chaos, I guess that I will have to find some way of moving to Shangri-La, perhaps Lyonesse, or the Elysian Fields.

© 18 December 2015

About the Author

I have had a life-long fascination with people and their life stories. I also realize that, although my own life has not brought me particular fame or fortune, I too have had some noteworthy experiences and, at times, unusual ones. Since I joined this Story Time group, I have derived pleasure and satisfaction participating in the group. I do put some thought and effort into my stories, and I hope that you find them interesting.