Queer as a $3 Bill, by Pat Gourley

This is a phrase I can actually personally embrace. It is one that I certainly hope is used to describe me, or my posture in the world, at least once in awhile. Though I am not sure anyone has ever said to or about me: he’s as Queer as a $3 dollar bill. I am however under no illusions that it has not crossed many people’s minds after their first encounters with me.

As I have written about many times for this group I am a strong advocate for discovering and accentuating the differences between gay and straight. That is after all why, now 40 years on, I am still frequenting the LGBT Center of Colorado. I feel our greatest gifts to humanity will involve bringing unique ways of looking at the world through our queer eyes and not groveling to try and show the straight world we are really just like them.

We start throwing off clues at a very early age that we are different from our hetero brothers and sisters in so many ways. I am always fond of sharing one of Harry Hay’s favorite stories on difference. I am paraphrasing here a bit but it involved an episode where he was called out by some other boys for throwing a baseball like a girl. Female acquaintances at the time corrected him saying you don’t throw like a girl you throw like a sissy.

Harry was able, eventually perhaps, to recognize this as not a slam on his masculinity but rather an example of how gay boys are not like little girls but rather an entity uniquely all their own.

The straight world with their binary blinders on see things as either masculine or feminine. They very often confuse non-typical behaviors as belonging to the opposite gender when in fact it is a behavior neither female nor male but something totally different, totally other. Perhaps it is an expression of a third or fourth gender?

A recent documentary by the filmmaker named David Thorpe called “Do I Sound Gay” is a wonderful case in point supporting the possibility that we really are different in very intrinsic ways. Here is a link to the trailer for the documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R21Fd8-Apf0

The film deals with Thorpe’s own personal journey around wanting to not “sound gay”. The film looks at this phenomenon as it effects many gay men but I suspect a similar though perhaps less impacting version of the issue could be true for lesbians. There is a tone I often subtly identify as a lesbian voice and it is always comforting when I hear it. Comforting even when the voice is calling a basketball game or trying to communicate just what it is going on with female golfers.

This business of “sounding gay” is one of those issues though that I feel is more problematic for gay men. Thorpe’s presentation seems to vacillate between the gay sounding voice being an innate characteristic or rather perhaps learned from older gay mentors and therefore something that can be un-learned. I prefer to think of it as quite intrinsic to who we are and that this simply comes through and is allowed to flower with our coming out and acceptance of our queer identity.

I am to this day frequently mistaken for a woman especially on the phone. Though I do not think the “gay voice” is common to all gay men it is certainly for many. And perhaps those gay men with a masculine sounding voice are simply better actors than the rest of us.

The only recording of my voice from the 1960’s I am aware of is an old tape re-mastered to CD a few years ago of my talk to my senior high school class in 1967 on my return from Mississippi. I was down there with several others on a self-discovery trip about American racism for a group of clueless white middle class teenagers from suburban Chicago. My main mentor arranged the trip in those days, a progressive Holy Cross nun named Sister Alberta Marie. In presenting to my classmates I actually do remember being conscious at the time to speak slowly. Perhaps this was to avoid slipping into “gay speak” and having classmates at least quietly remark to themselves: “well, he certainly is queer as a $3 dollar bill”.

You can check out the recording here and decide for yourself just how gay I sound. In the interest of full disclosure I think I was consciously trying to butch it up especially since this was recorded just a month or so after my first sex with another man. Check out the long “S’s” especially when I say Mississippi, so much for coming across as butch: http://www.pjgourley.com/MississippiTrip1967.php

Trust me I was absolutely not aware of any gay-mentors in my life to learn this queer-speak from!

I am particularly fond of the documentary “Do I Sound Gay” in part because it raises a myriad of issues around accepting our queerness and the often debilitating internalized homophobia that accompanies that journey. The film is available on several platforms including Netflix and also on You Tube, iTunes and several others.

© March 2016

About the Author

I was born in La Porte, Indiana in 1949, raised on a farm and schooled by Holy Cross nuns. The bulk of my adult life, some 40 plus years, was spent in Denver, Colorado as a nurse, gardener and gay/AIDS activist. I have currently returned to Denver after an extended sabbatical in San Francisco, California.

Queer as a Three-Dollar Bill, by Ray S

this has happened to you at some time. You go to the storage room in search of
some sort of old legal paper stored for safety because you couldn’t tell when
you might need it.
other day this became my mission. So I was buried in a collection of storage
boxes and file boxes searching for a copy of a paid mortgage.
course, I became completely diverted by a box of old photographs: portraits and
snapshots. At the bottom of this box I found a thin blue book titled “Our Baby”
complete with faded pictures and notes.
got the best of me, so I settled down to read the writer’s detailed description
of the baby’s arrival, weight (7 lbs.), length (21”), etc, as well as the
mother’s pleasure about the food and rest she’d gotten in the hospital. Then
there was the list of gifts and their donors, and a ribbon-tied bundle of
letters and cards.
this point I decided the latter was too much a tackle and put it back into its
niche. At this point I saw a yellow envelope that had been hidden by those
cards and letters.
printed name on the envelope read “Western Union Telegraph” and was addressed
to Mr. J. W. Wulf, Cleveland, Ohio. It was a copy for the sender’s file. Of
course, I had to read the enclosed telegram.
message stated:
Wulf arrived 11:35 AM
19, 1926, Berwyn Hospital
and mother doing fine.
Homer E. Sylvester
was the everlasting three dollar bill, where or from whom it came from, but it
has lasted for 90 years.
© 14 March 2016 
the Author