When I Get Old by Will Stanton

What do you mean, “When I get old”? What a weird topic suggestion. I already am old. And, why would I want to go and get it? That doesn’t make sense, considering all the problems associated with old.

I never got old. I became old, or one could say “I grew old.” But, I sure did not go out to get it. As far as I’m concerned, that would be like going to some place to get Ebola. If I had had some means of avoiding old, I would have done so.

If, for some inexplicable reason, one wished to go somewhere to get old, where would one go to get it? Are there shops that have old? Can one get old on-line, perhaps through Amazon? If so, how much do they charge for getting old? I assume that there are different sizes, colors, qualities, and prices for old. Considering what has happened to me now that I am old, I assume that the price can be quite high – – in my case, extremely high.

I don’t encounter very many young people; but if I do, I certainly won’t suggest that they go looking for old. That myth about the so-called “golden years” rarely lives up to its reputation. The only gold that I associate with old is what I need to pay for daily expenses, along with all the medical bills.

Now that old has been dumped on me, I “give it the finger.” Old is shabby and not worth the price.

© 9 February 2014

About the Author

I have had a life-long fascination with people and their life stories. I also realize that, although my own life has not brought me particular fame or fortune, I too have had some noteworthy experiences and, at times, unusual ones. Since I joined this Story Time group, I have derived pleasure and satisfaction participating in the group. I do put some thought and effort into my stories, and I hope that you find them interesting.